2006 was clearly a year for some of the most amazing leading black actors in fabulous movies.
I was blown away by Forest Whitaker in "The Last King of Scottland" Jennifer Hudson in "Dream Girls" and was very impressed with Will Smith in the "Pursuit of Happyness."
This is another film Executive Produced by Will Smith (I.Robot was the other).
I don't think bruthas know how much we needed this film. How many of us have struggled through life and the ugly spirit of racism, self doubt,self hate and hopelessness. Wondering if this is all there is.
When I saw this film I cried my ass off. I was asked to see the film again by a group of friends who had never seen it and to my surprise, I cried again.
I know how it is to struggle without the support of family and still find success.
This film should be required viewing (similiar to Malcolm X & MLK)for every young black male regardless of his socio-economic status.
It's on sale now..BUY IT!